🇬🇷 Greece – Hopeland 🌿

📅 Activity Dates: February 19, 2024, to November 18, 2024

🌟 Activity Description: Embark on a 10-month eco-living experience at Hopeland, a sustainable community in southern Greece. Join the crew in hosting group trainings, maintaining the eco-place, and engaging with the local community. Immerse yourself in sustainable living and contribute to the ecosystem. This opportunity is exclusively for Bulgarians. Apply by visiting the Hopeland website.

🏡 Accommodation, Food, and Transport: Hopeland is located in a rural remote area in southern Greece. Volunteers will contribute to maintaining the estate’s gardens, infrastructure, and facilities. Check the Hopeland website for more details.

🎓 Training During the Activity: Hands-on activities focus on maintaining and improving the place. This includes gardening, farming, animal care, eco-building, and enhancing sustainability.

👤 Participant Profile: Bulgarian participants will support hosting Erasmus+ groups and volunteering teams at Hopeland, engaging in activities related to sustainability, workshops, and hosting responsibilities.

🌐 Looking for Participants From: Bulgaria

⏰ Deadline for Applications: December 31, 2023

Experience eco-living at Hopeland and contribute to sustainability in Greece!

🇬🇷🌿 #GreeceESC #Hopeland #EuropeanSolidarityCorps